
  • Gonzalo Armienta Hernández
  • Carlos Francisco Camero Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa




1. Alert 2. Gender 3. Violence


Gender violence against women has been increasing throughout the world and Mexico has not been the exception, which has its roots in an unfounded belief in inequality between men and women. Gender violence against women can be observed mainly in home due to a sexism education that has traditionally been instilled in men due to their characteristics of physical strength. Efforts by private organizations and government institutions have not been able to eradicate this cancer because institutions such as the gender alert established by the Mexican government have made little progress and therefore their effectiveness has not been encouraging due to the series of obstacles that have overcome. 


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Castañeda Salgado, M. P., Ravelo Blancas, P., Pérez Vázquez, T., (2017), Feminicidio y violencia de género en México: omisiones del Estado y exigencia civil de justicia https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/393/39348328002.pdf

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García Montoya, L., (2021), El cáncer doméstico. Violencia hacia la mujer, México, Ed. Porrúa.

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Manzano Munguía G., (2011), “Violencia familiar en México”, en Derecho Familiar, Temas de actualidad, R. Patiño Manfer, y A. A. Ríos Ruiz, (Coord.), México, Porrúa – UNAM.

Marín Sasaki, C., Armienta Hernández G. y García Montoya, L., (2018), Argumentación jurídica y perspectiva de género en las resoluciones jurisdiccionales, México, Porrúa, 1ª. Edición.

Martínez Ramírez, F., (2021), “La violencia de género como violación de derechos humanos”, en S. García Ramírez y O. Islas de González Mariscal, (Coord.), La justicia penal en México, balance de dos décadas (2000-2020), México, IIJ-UNAM.

Mata Pizaña, F., y Garzón Jiménez, R., (2008), Derecho Familiar, México, Ed. Porrúa.

Ramírez Cortés, A., (2011), “Fenomenología de la violencia dentro del núcleo familiar”, en Temas de Derecho Civil, en homenaje al doctor Jorge Mario Magallón Ibarra, México, Porrúa.

Ramírez Patiño, E., (2015), Derecho Familiar, México, Ed. Once Ríos.

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Sitios de internet





Gómez Madrid, Y. C. (2022) https://uvserva.uv.mx

