Recomendaciones para la elaboración de una tesis en posgrado de Derecho


  • Luis Antonio Corona Nakamura
  • joseline adriana gonzalez madrigal Universidad de Guadalajara



Abstract: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of implementing a methodology in the preparation of theses in a postgraduate course and with specific determinations in the science of Law, maintaining a structure allows an orderly process to establish the facts that lead to the legal phenomenon that you want to study seeking from a theoretical and methodological framework to validate the hypothesis by demonstrating the variables of the research. Some of the recommendations that are pointed out derive in the importance that the legal product is made up of four chapters to achieve a content that responds to a historical, theoretical, legal, and empirical framework. Implementing a methodology maintains in the text a systematic design guaranteeing valid results that respond to the objectives of the research, in this way the methods used are explained through an argumentation. It is important that future legal researchers have the tools to obtain and generate knowledge that has an application in the production of an academic work that allows transforming the legal field.




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