The challenges of political representation in Mexico


  • Ian Eric Dávila Cortés Universidad de Guadalajara



youth, muxes, political participation, indigenous people, political representation and underrepresentation.


The main purpose of this research paper is to answer the research question: ¿under what conditions should the political participation of young people and indigenous people in Mexico be guaranteed? For this purpose, the first part of the paper analyzes a particular vote issued in relation to a resolution of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary, in line with some doctrinal postulates on political representation. The second chapter confronts the jurisprudence of the aforementioned High Court in electoral matters, with brief reflections on the theory of Fraser and Walsh. Finally, it is concluded that guaranteeing the political participation of young people can be achieved through representatives who do not necessarily coincide with the age range normally associated with that sector of the population. However, in order to ensure the political representation of indigenous people such as the muxes, the State must take into consideration particular issues associated with their culture.


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