El The right to access to justice through full reparation of damage to victims of disappearance


  • Luis Antonio Corona Nakamura
  • Angélica María Plascencia Velázquez




Comprehensive repair, human rights, access to justice, disappearance, victims


The right to access to justice is one of the most affected when there is a victim of disappearance. The authorities have created strategies so that the victims can be mostly compensated, however those measures have only been reflected on paper, because although the victims' law addresses how victims should be treated correctly, the comprehensive reparation of the damage in the real world, continues to give much to be desired. Members of collectives have joined forces and often demonstrate, because; very rarely it is possible that sentences of integral reparation occur, in addition to this point also adding that within the integral reparation of the damage, the state has the obligation to safeguard this and all the rights of the victims, but it is not possible for them when little resource is allocated to solve such a great problem, therefore, as long


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