Confidence control exams: Evaluating the adequacy of public security elements in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.




Control and trust tests, public safety, perception, qualitative methodology, challenges.


The objective of this paper is to describe the perception of control and confidence tests about public safety issues. A qualitative approach was used, which allowed understanding of the phenomenon and obtaining a general vision.

 Interviews and direct observations were conducted to collect the qualitative data, specifically focusing on item files that failed to pass the control and confidence exams. Data analysis was carried out through a categorization process, to identify and understand the different perspectives collected during the study.

The results revealed challenges and threats facing public safety, and deficiencies in control and trust processes, which can lead to stigmatization, exclusion, inequalities, and discrimination.

 In conclusion, the need to have solid processes in the matter is highlighted, instead of simply relying on these examinations lacking solid foundations before the judicial processes.


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