The Social constitutionalism, a view from the perspective of economic growth in public institutions: the case of the municipalities and INE of the state of Colima.
Social Constitutionalism, Economic Growth, Investment Spending, Debt FinancingAbstract
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the second generation human rights and the fulfillment of its objective, which is to determine if the economic welfare and the consolidation of its development in the entity has been prosperous, for this, it is necessary to measure the impact of economic variables on its growth suggested by the GDP per capita from 2010 to 2021 in the municipalities of the State of Colima and INE as public institutions, specifically, if the economic indicators of management and the election period, respond positively in the indicators of economic growth (GDP). The methodology used was Panel Data, adapting the statistical model to the specifications of auto-correlation, contemporaneous correlation and Heterocedasticity. Among the main conclusions, it is evident that economic growth has a positive impact on investment spending and debt financing, and a negative impact on budgetary programs, which by right applies to the public management of Branch 28 and Branch 33.
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