The modern State in crisis
the reconfiguration of the concept of sovereignty in the post-modern context
Sovereignty, modern State, postmodernity, liquid modernityAbstract
Since the second half of the 20th century, the advent of post-modernity or liquid modernity has brought about a series of transformations in the cultural, theoretical, political and social spheres. In this context, this research has promoted an analysis of the structures that characterize the modern State and the impact of liquid modernity specifically on the element of sovereignty. In order to achieve this, the research first analyzed the process of formation of modernity - solid - and the characterization of the modern being. It then presented the characteristic elements of the modern State - people, territory and sovereignty - in order to understand their role in the context of solid modernity and, finally, it proceeded to analyze the impact of liquid modernity on the concept of the State, in order to present the need to rethink the concept of sovereignty, but without abandoning it, with a view to building a fluid concept of sovereignty.
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