Access to justice and effective judicial protection
Analysis of Sentences of the VII Criminal Judicial District of the State of Jalisco.
Criminal law, Access to justice, Judicial protection, Culture of LegalityAbstract
This paper describes findings on the current state of access to justice and effective jurisdictional protection, data that arise from the analysis of the number of processes initiated and concluded since the implementation of the Criminal Justice System in District VII, with headquarters in this city of Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco and covering the period from January 2016 to March 2024. Therefore, studying the application of criminal law as an instrument to guarantee access to justice is of social relevance, because In this matter, the guilt or innocence of people who are subject to a judicial procedure for their participation in the commission of an act considered a crime is sanctioned, making judicial protection of utmost importance for the defense and protection of the rights of the parties who participate in the criminal process.
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